Shipping heavy machinery by air is something Texas International Freight is well versed in.
These modules imported for an oil rig by our oil and gas logistics service were shipped by air from Europe. The modules were extremely fragile and shipping this heavy machinery by air required a lot of care, as witnessed by the expert export crating surrounding these oil rig modules.
When shipping heavy machinery by air, export crating and cargo insurance are necessary components. Texas International Freight’s oil and gas logistics provides turnkey solutions like export crating, cargo insurance, local trucking, import services, and final destination delivery.
Shipping heavy equipment by air is something not every freight forwarder can do. An oil and gas logistics company like Texas International Freight is well practiced in moving such freight.
Air Cargo Chartering
Another option for shipping heavy machinery by air is air cargo chartering. Chartering an aircraft and “part charters” of cargo aircraft are sometimes necessities for extremely large, extremely critical machinery. We have shipped by air cargo charter to points around the globe. We offer the best air charter rates and the best solutions due to our networked database that is updated daily.